Our expertise on Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
‘Masmana’ is specialized in producing extra-virgin olive oil, which is simply the oily juice of the fresh and healthy olive fruits. It is extracted mechanically without using any chemical solvent and in a controlled temperature to avoid quality degradation and thus preserve all the health-promoting nutrients in a proper way to get the highest health benefits. Every step of harvesting the olives in the farm and carrying them to the oil mill are critically monitored with utmost care. We pay extra attention in the storage of our extra-virgin olive oil as its shelf-life is shorter than the others, by preserving all the qualities. You will get the fresh green olives’ or ripen olives’ flavor in our best quality extra-virgin olive oils. It will give you a pleasant, acrid, pungent and characteristic mild bitter sensation in your tongue while tasting.
Though generally, fat has a very bad reputation regarding our health, but scientifically fat is one of the three most important nutrients in our diet to stay healthy. The main concern should be the quality of daily fat intake, and in this regard extra-virgin olive oil is the best among its type. The FDA recommends eating 2 tablespoons of pure olive oil which can help you to stay out of major cardiovascular diseases. It has been proven that extra-virgin olive oils have the properties to control your blood pressure, cholesterol level, oxidative stress and to fight against skin cancer, Alzheimer’s’ disease, depression, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity and many more.